You are an inspiration whose footsteps, I would love to follow some day.

Can't wait to read the story.

Wish you an amazing and fulfilling journey ahead.

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Thank you for sharing this journey! It is equal parts foreboding and inspiring!

Writing (and getting published) is a torturous endeavour but wins like yours make us all hope!

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Thanks, Rohan! Best of luck with your writing!

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Loved reading this! I'm glad you were able to get published!

I've been sitting on 6-7 hard sci fi stories for around a decade ... been afraid of that next step. Reading this gives me hope!

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You seem to be wary of not being associated with Donald Trump. That's nice and woke, but why would anyone insert contemporary politics into a work of fiction? Reference, in his own story, to the author's politics is a big no-no, or so I thought. The reader wants to be immersed in a fantasy world, not be jerked out of the tale, out of his imagination, back into the mundane real world, by the author's opinion on current politics.

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So, did you actually make a living wage from this story? Did you even make minimum wage?

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I appreciate all the information you shared. This will really help writers better understand the journey that publishing requires. Congratulations and I hope you are proud for sticking this one through till the end!

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